  • Patent published

    Patent was published and issued on August 8th, 2012, by the European Patent Office! It's the Patent EP 1805582A1.

  • Ermüdungsarm benutzbar!

    Bitte schauen sie unter "Home" und "Neuigkeiten" was ein Professor dem DSC-Konzept attestierte!

  • Ein neuer Medizin-Artikel:

    Unter "Medizin" ist ein echter Operationsfortschritt in der "Computer Aided Surgery" beschrieben!

  • Dear Reader
  • Weiterentwicklung

    (engl. Text)

    I am open to form and join a team.

    Just this large development is my interest. To work about

    ways to further develop it. I am familiar both with the

    mechanics + electronics, and ideas about the software basic

    structures, which might follow this hardware starter structure.

    Organization, teammembers and funds for it

    should be supplied by the host company.

    (The difficulty of the research team is, that specialists exist, but hardly persons of similar understanding intensity within 4 fields of experience and skills:
    mechanical constructions, the ability of virtual picture and animation vision in mind,(this is related with a lot of ideas- generation), the understanding of structural hierarchy of software and interactions of its branches, and general ergonomy, hand and brain related.)

    Deals about patent exploitation are welcome.

    Axel Blonski

    Schloss- Wolfsbrunnenweg 38-1,

    69118 Heidelberg,



    mobile phone:  +49 1629198750